Awkward Mixture's RPGs of 2018: A Chart Comparison

Comparison Charts:

A 4X-RTS Comparison: Sins of A Solar Empire, Star Ruler 2, and Stellaris

Awkward Mixture's RPGs of 2018: A Chart Comparison

Awkward Mixture's First Person, Sci-Fi Shooters of 2020: A Chart Comparison

At the beginning of this year, Awkward Mixture compared three 4X-RTS space saga games.  After the individual articles, I made a spread sheet with some truthful, and some humorous comparisons.  I considered comparing Divinity: Original and Pillars of Eternity in a written article, because those two games are much more similar than The Banner Saga and Dark Souls.  But there really wasn't the time, and this still (I hope) conveys the point, with a bit more fun.

The Banner Saga 2
Divinity: Original Sin Enhanced Edition
Pillars of Eternity
Dark Souls 3
Date Released
Larian Studios
Obsidian Entertainment
From Software
Versus Evil
Larian Studios
Paradox Interactive
Bandai Namco Entertainment Inc.
Tactical, Fantasy RPG
Open World, Fantasy RPG
Open World, Fantasy RPG
Action, Fantasy RPG
Character Classes
Yes, but not chosen by the player
Yes, eleven, protagonist's chosen by player
Yes, but they only matter in the beginning
Learn Abilities
Upon level up
From books
Upon level up
From books
Three playable
Only human playable
Six with sub-races
Only human playable
Dredge, different ones have different powers
Fantasy, look at the level above their heads!
Fantasy, never level up, A troll is always a troll
Dark Fantasy, different ones have different powers
RPG System
Lose all endurance for one member in Battle?
What is endurance?
What is endurance?
Maimed, an Attribute penalty until they rest
Stop attacking so it comes back
Lose all health for one member in a battle?
Less health in next battle until they rest
Need to be resurrected with a Resurrection spell or scroll
Dead, dead, dead. Reload if you want the character alive
Respawn at last bonfire, but lose souls
Is there Multiplayer?
Yes, only allies
Yes, allies and enemies
How many Party Members?
Six in a battle
Two protagonists and two companions
One protagonist and five companions
Solo, but can summon Phantoms
Spells are
Called abilities, need action points
Unlimited per battle, but cost action points
Limited in number, restored by Resting
Miracles, Pyromancies, Sorceries. Cost Focus Points, which are restored at Bonfires
Battle is
Turn based on a grid map
Turn based on an open map
Real time on an open map
Real time, all the time
Common for companions, but in dialogue screens, not in battle
All the time on medium difficulty
You Died!
Very Rare. Very Unique. Not needed. Powerful.
Lots of items, all very unique, and math is required to determine which is superior
Lots of items, but most are the same. Easy to tell which is best
A fair amount. Very detailed. Can be difficult to determine which to use
Mysterious and Clear simultaneously
Obvious and Cliched
Unique and Gripping
Mysterious and Elusive
The Map is divided into:
A map exists, but the player has little control where they go
Three large sections
Twenty plus locations
No loading screens except after death
Shallow and Colorful
Deep and Gritty
Deep and Dark
Party travels
Journal tracks Quests
No journal
A huge mess of interlocking goals, missions, and requirements
Distinctly and clearly
No journal
Look for the rare book or tiny switch to press
Only one or two in the entire game
If killing the thing doesn't work, look for the secret area
Serious, choices
Goofy, choices
Serious, choices
Epic, rare, very few choices
Based on what the protagonist did, Effects how people react
Based on what the protagonist's feel about what they did, effects self with buffs
Based on what the protagonist did, effects how people react
Banner Saga 1, semi detailed history
Previous Divinity games, vague sparse events
Incredibly detailed history
Dark Souls 1 and 2, mysterious history
Most Like
Banner Saga 1 or Fire Emblem
Other Divinity games or Shadowrun
Neverwinter Nights
Dark Souls 1 or Hollow Knight
Travel, Solve Problem, Fight desperate battle, repeat
Look at the level above a monster's head. If equal to or less than your own, fight, otherwise leave
Talk to people, Travel, sometimes kill things in the way
Fight monsters, hollows, dragons, invaders, Gods, everything
Time Played
13 Hours
70 Hours
49 Hours
101 Hours
Most Interesting Mechanic
Renown is used to purchase food, items, and level up heroes
Bloodstones need to be activated, but the game doesn't mention that
Endurance is a subset of total health
6 person multiplayer battles
Depending on how good the third one is, review to come in 2019
Ok, that's it.  Look for two final articles in 2018, Friday and Monday.

Reflection 2018 

A 4X-RTS Comparison: Sins of A Solar Empire, Star Ruler 2, and Stellaris
Pillars of Eternity: Characters, Companions, and Combat
Divinity Original Sin: Combat Like A Hellscape
