The Presidential Events: July 2021


The Biden administration sought to fill remaining vacancies in the vast Washington bureaucracy. Biden fired the Social Security Commissioner prematurely, after the Supreme Court ruled he could. The White House encouraged a revolving door of public servants, becoming private corporate consultants, and then inviting them back into public service at elevated positions, specifically from the firm, WestExec. Biden chose three prominent politicians as ambassadors to significant countries. University of Pennsylvania President, Amy Gutmann, became U.S. Ambassador to Germany. L.A. Mayor Eric Garcetti was chosen to serve as ambassador to India. And former Republican Senator Jeff Flake was rewarded with a position as the next ambassador to Turkey.


Continuing its lackluster immigration record, the Department of Homeland Security warned Cubans and Haitians that they would be turned away if they arrived by sea. But because of the political crisis on both islands, exacerbated by the United States, Haitians arrived, and were immediately deported. The Biden administration also increased sanctions on Cuba. While some regressive policies were forced on the White House, like a federal judge declaring DACA unlawful, others were self-inflicted wounds. The Biden administration restarted a program begun by Trump, expediting deportation flights of illegal immigrants.

The Environment:

Four EPA scientists reported ongoing corruption, specifically of “tampering with assessments of dozens of chemicals to make them appear safer”. The deceit has been occurring for years, and according to the whistle blowers, continues to this day. Meanwhile the summer of 2021 was plagued by biblical wildfires. The Bootleg Fire in Oregon, one of seventy wildfires, consumed 476 square miles. Climate change is worsening the blaze. The Dixie Fire, in California, burned through 296 miles in the same month. Yet the White House is still implementing a dual track for its signature environmental bill.


As Democrats moved closer to passing their one trillion dollar Manchin/Collins infrastructure bill, they simultaneously announced their intention to pass a three and a half trillion dollar deal to address climate change, Medicare, and education. Biden officials celebrated prematurely in a zero-emission truck joyride (a zero emission vehicle is 1) A plug-in hybrid, 2) A car that exclusively runs on electricity from the grid, or 3) A hydrogen fuel vehicle). Republican Senators refused to increase funding for the IRS. Tax experts claim that the wealthy are illegally withholding billions each year. Democrats wanted to increase the IRS's budget to allow it to force the wealthy to pay their legally mandated amount. Republicans refused and Democrats caved. On taxing the wealth; an extremely popular policy for Republican and Democratic voters alike! When President Biden was asked about abolishing the filibuster so Democrats could pass his priorities in infrastructure and civil rights, he said, “Nothing at all will get done,”.

Things Getting Done, or Not:

But the only things getting done are those that the President does unilaterally. The President canceled $55.6 million in student loan debt accumulated by a for-profit college fraud. That leaves roughly $1.5 trillion currently in hand. The President canceled approximately .0036% of student loan debt. He also withdrew, somewhat awkwardly, from Afghanistan's Bagram air base.

The President rejected the legalization of marijuana, despite a concerted effort by Congressional Democrats. Biden couldn't even make the effort to extend the national eviction moratorium, passing the buck to Congress; only informing them the day it was supposed to expire.

The White House seems equally unable to resolve thorny ethics questions, like should Biden's family be able to enrich themselves off of his office?

The DOJ also seems paralyzed, declining to prosecute Trump officials who misled Congress. Attorney General Merrick Garland wants to move on, ignoring past crimes.

But if an Air Force analyst leaks government documents revealing civilian massacres perpetrated by U.S. drone strikes, the government finds the time to swiftly jail him (But not a word from Biden on this, or the spyware by the NSO groupwhich is connected to the WestExec consulting firm mentioned earlier).


The only active engine of the government is the court system. The Supreme Court ruled that California can't legally compel tax-deductible charities to disclose their largest donors. Biden is placing liberal justices on the federal bench, but failed to convince Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer to retire.

The Coronavirus:

Biden also failed to convince the American public to get vaccinated. The introduction of the delta variant pushed daily infections to 77,000, a number not seen since mid-February. As hospitalizations rose, the surge continued into August, likely leading to an increase in deaths to follow. Infections increased particularly in parts of the country with lower vaccination rates. The national average was just under 50% fully vaccinated, with close to 60% partially vaccinated (this number is for the entire population, including people who can't receive the vaccine, because they are too young). Florida, which has banned mask mandates, suffered its worst day during the entire pandemic, with 21,683 daily cases. The CDC recommended Americans wear masks again. How many more thousands of deaths will it require for people to take a safe, free vaccine?


Unfinished Games of 2021: Part I


Democratic Error Sacrifices the Climate for a Bipartisan Bill

The Presidential Events: June 2021

Comedians Aim Higher Than Elected Officials
