A Tale of Two Tragedies: The Pit


Isaac's House, late the same night

Isaac: You can't enter. There is no method to disguise you, and no reason for the gaurds to admit you. We are mortal enemies, after all.
Alexander: Then we shall meet at the lake in two days.
Exit Alexander
Isaac: The fearful hovel. No better to my mind than a pit in the earth and with all the comfort of numbing cold and exhaustive heat at once.
Enter Eldest Brother
Isaac: Ho, brother.
Exit Eldest Brother
Isaac: He has gone to report my re-arrival. I will certainly suffer for my absence. But let us see if the cowards can press to it or fail. They will not send a brother to me, for it is beneath them, and we have servants aplenty. Here comes one now.
Enter Servant
Isaac: How goes it?
Servant: Your father requires your attendance in the dining hall. I wish I could say it would go well for you, but they can't extinguish their wrath.
Isaac: I never suffer as much as they wish, but in the end it will be I that metes out a just punishment.
Servant: I hope so, sir.
Enter Isaac's Father, Eldest Brother, Middle Brother, Younger Brother and 4 dogs
Servant: Isaac has returned.
Father: Why do you remain silent Isaac? Why do you tremble?
Isaac: I don't tremble.
Eldest Brother: Hold your tongue while your father eats.
Father: Where have you been boy? We have not seen you this day or the last. I care not for the sight of you, but there duties to perform this house. Not a single bone of your contains an ounce of respect for your family. I’ve had to delay my evening entertainment to ensure you'd witness this spectacle.
Father:(to eldest) Go, and bring the drudge here.
Exit Eldest
Father: Your remarkable siblings managed to capture a merchant serving our enemy. With only trifling interrogation he has divulged the existence of a secret, but we have yet to extract it.
Enter Eldest and Merchant
Isaac: Why have you harmed this man? Why have you not aided him? There is a ragged gash down his arm. See how you have abused him with your whips and chains. He can not tell you what you want to know if he is dead.
Father (to merchant): You know what I need and you will give it to me, no matter what. With it, I will destroy my enemies: men, women, and children. If you will not tell me, then my sons will deal with you.
Isaac: Father!
Father: He does not wish to speak; take him away.
Exit Father
Youngest brother: He is ours, and I do enjoy the hounds at their work.
Isaac: You shall not have the man as your sport.
Middle Brother: The runt thinks to quarrel with us over our quarry.
They draw swords and clash
Isaac: This is no hunt, this is a man's soul, and I shall deny you your trophy.
Isaac, while evading his brothers, manages to stab the merchant in the heart and flees the house
Isaac: I have escaped, and delivered the man beyond my family's torturous barbs. Soon they shall see their doom approaching as surely as the sun rises. There is a glory in the administration of a just punishment upon the wicked. Yet, as a result of my righteousness, nowhere will harbor me tonight, and must I tarry under the stars, God's canopy until my fretful confederate rejoins me.

