A Tale of Two Tragedies: The Party

Isaac: Why do you pause?
Alexander: Inside is music and singing. Can't you see the joy that radiates like light inside? Tonight we celebrate the seminal achievements of ancient ancestors. Through their efforts, their foundation, my family has prospered. This day and night we honor their memories with an elaborate party of feasting and dance. This celebration aids our divine mission, for tonight the revelers don masks and we can enter the house unnoticed.
Isaac: Are we to enter through the main doors? The room is crowded with enemies.
Alexander: None of them know you, but I know them. See there is my uncle, Leo, in the crimson mask embellished with billowing feathers. My great aunt, over by the wall, leans against the stone to hide her agonizing gout. All about, my cousins dance the darkness away in jubilation.
Issac: “Perhaps you should show me around the house while they are occupied?”
Alexander: “Not yet. My family will not be satisfied with a mere glimpse of me. I must go greet them. But don’t speak! They must not suspect you.”
Mother Enters
Alexander: “Mother, how are you tonight?”
Mother: I am well, but curious. Who is your friend, and why does he fly? He was here and at my approach he fled among the crowd.
Alexander: I couldn't see his face.
Mother: Of course not.
Alexander: Mother, why do you don no mask? Your beaming smile lights up the room, but there is a rite to enact tonight for our ancestors.
Mother: I am too old for the game. Age has earned the freedom to seek clarity over concealment. Deception, slyness, are sweet to young men and women, to those who still seek thrills. Why need I hide among my family?
Alexander: Our feud makes disguise a danger, for any enemy my enter, and if one seeking to antagonize us, they will find you a fruitful prize. If one will wield a mask, would it not be best that we all be in masks? A jewel you are, a life-giving jar of water.
Mother: Dearest, they will not come tonight: our feud entails rules which you are too young to understand, but if they must be oath-breakers, a sacrifice I would gladly be, to ensure the safety of my guests. Set you troubled mind at ease, and tonight, enjoy yourself.
Mother exits, Father Enters
Father: You should not worry your mother so.
Alexander: I do not mean to, but I shall try my best. Do I trouble you?
Father: Both your mother and I wish the best for you. One day you will be immortalized in the city's memory as a hero of our house.
Alexander: Father, I have to relate something of great importance.
Father: Ah, what is it that ails you?
Alexander: I had a dream in which you upset the gods. They planned punishment for you unless you repaired your misdeeds. Do you know of any act which might have angered them so?
Father: I can see you are upset so I will set your mind at ease. Twenty years ago we struggled in desperate defense, for our city of Jeruthens. When we triumphed, we took vengence by invading the homeland of the invaders. We looted their city and in greed and foolishness we tore apart the temple of a great goddesses and burnt it to the ground. My comrades and I were visited in dreams, condemned to brutal death by the goddess. Most have died over those two decades, from one incident or another, but because of the delay I suspect retribution sleeps. Retelling the tale, reminds me: a immortal wrath may rest, but it never retires. Yet, I see no immediate cause for anxiety, and shall not cower before shadows and fear dark corners.
Alexander: If there is anyway to make amends, I ask you to try.
Father: I will not and that is the end of the discussion. Now why don’t you enjoy yourself? I have other business to attend to.
Alexander: Father, wait!
Father exits
Alexander: It is the substantial, the center, and the light you should fear.
Isaac: The night is passing. It would be best now if you conducted a tour of your familial estate.
Alexander: Let us walk and I will describe them as we pass. There is a place more critical than the rest. It is a family secret, a secret passage which leads from the olive grove on the west side of the estate into the heart of our complex. See, if you place your hand on that spot just so, and your foot on this brick?
Isaac: Ah, the floor opens up and I see a passage.
Alexander: You must never speak of it to anyone. They might use it for some nefarious purpose.
Isaac: Of course, you have my word.
Alexander: We must not be caught here. I shall show you the rest of the house.
Sister enters, crashes into Isaac
Sister: Sir, I have destroyed your mask. It lies in pieces on the floor and I am ashamed.
Isaac: (to Alexander) What shall we do?
Sister: Alexander, who is your friend that nervously shifts from foot to foot? I meant no harm, and have apologized. I arrived at the dance only in time to see you leaving. I tried to follow you and so we meet by a circuitous route. Have you done anything but wander about, which can not be much fun, when at the dance you could entertain yourself and our guests gaily?

Alexander: Sister, you should be asleep, it is late. They might not have recognized you at the ball with your mask, but I would not conceal the truth from them. Off to bed, otherwise I’ll tell mother and father.
Sister: I think I can still have an hour or so at the ball, while you and your friend linger against the dull walls and dim corners.
Sister exits
Isaac: Does she mean...?
Alexander: Let us conclude the tour quickly.

