Environmental Ethics: Responsibility

The last Awkward Mixture article about environmental ethics described a method of determining whether one’s behavior was environmentally viable, using Kantian philosophy.  Then it demonstrated that nobody in the United States lives in a sustainable fashion.

To survive citizens don't need a car, a computer, heat, AC, or planes.

To live in society is to use these things.  To take a vacation, to drive to work, to relax in spite of exhausting heat, to engage with the world from home, to be comfortable in the winter.

Clearly they violate the Categorical Imperative.  If everyone on the planet flew in a plane once a year, if every house maintained a 70 degree temperature regardless of the conditions outside, if everyone ate meat at the same rate as Americans, even if everyone drove a car an hour a day, the environmental situation would deteriorate rapidly.  These actions would not result in the outcome everyone desires: happiness, comfort, and safety.

One could voluntarily quit society.  Try to find one of the few isolated spots left on earth and eke out an existence.  Meanwhile, the wealthy can construct their own zero emission houses to ease their guilt.  Both are fruitless quests.  One person's withdrawal would have no discernible effect on the global carbon output, the pervasiveness of chemical and plastic pollution, the devastation of wildlife habitat.  Perhaps they would be more virtuous in this choice, justified by the effort alone.  One certainly couldn't begrudge anyone for choosing this path. 

But if one is looking for actual solutions there needs to be another choice. 

It is not entirely wrong, considering the needful circumstances, to use various earth devastating technologies (considering the uselessness of individually abandoning them) to remain a part of society.  Yet a person who does not attempt to change society, when given the power to do so, is ethically barren.  Everyone who has ignored the plight of the planet and leveraged devastation for their advantage; spent the money of oil donations, spread the propaganda of fossil fuel producers for decades, and who still deny the young their last chance at overturning a fate they alone will have to face, is ethically corrupt and enduringly cruel. 

The most basic power which everyone in the United States should have is the right to vote.  While citizens may be living in a manner which harms their future, and the future of their children, and their children's children, they need to seek a different channel.  They need to vote for representatives who will seek this change.

The multitude of excuses for not preventing this inevitable global catastrophe are long and obscene in their deception.  Global Warming isn't real.  The United States doesn't bear any responsibility for global warming.  Even if the United States reduced its CO2 emissions to zero in a decade, it would have no effect because of the increasing output of China, India, and other developing countries.  All of these are absurd.  The same propagandists claim that the cost to implement even mild solutions is too much.  Yet the cost future generations will bear for the lack of leadership demonstrated by the Silent Generation, the Baby Boomers, and even the Greatest Generation, is immeasurable.  These elders may find the cost too much, because they have already reaped the rewards of their selfishness, but those who must live with their fallout believe the cost of preventing climate change at this late hour, reasonable compared to the cost of doing nothing.

Citizens need to vote against their immediate interest, in order to preserve their future interest.  If everyone votes similarly, it won't confer an advantage on any particular person.  The United States can seek environmental sustainability and economic justice.  It can lead the way forward with innovative technologies.  If it chooses to abdicate responsibility, there are two likely options; ecological collapse, or (if it is to be prevented), the United States will accede to the dominance of the nation which will develop both the technology and the leadership needed to govern.  If citizens choose to both pollute the earth and to vote against any curb, any alteration, any progress, then they are doubly guilty.

In 2020 the United States, nay the world, needs a President, a Congress, a UN, a China, a Europe, a World dedicated to saving it from the past century.  If the United States reelects Trump, or a Republican Congress devoted the oil, coal, and gas industries, short of a miraculous technology, the chance to avoid a disastrous threshold will be lost.  Conditions across the world will deteriorate and suffering will increase at home and abroad.                    

Though the exactness is impossible to measure, at an indeterminable level the use of dangerous and deadly technologies are not justifiable.  The more one harms the earth with their everyday activities the greater their responsibility to seek a new path for humanity.  The mass of people have little power to solve the problem.  They must live their life the best they can while urging their Representatives, their Senators, and their state officials to implement new policies which will put the planet on a sustainable path.  Representatives must vote for the broad outlines of the Green New Deal.  Senators must vote for Jay Inslee's detailed plan to prevent devastating climate change, or a similar plan.  The issue needs to be resolved now, there is no time to delay.  There is no later. 

There is no greater threat than ecological collapse, and there are few futures more likely as this.  Global warming is not the only man made threat to life on earth, but it is one that must be solved now.

