The Events of 2018: A Conclusion

In June of 2018, I began The Events. I described it as a list of the relevant events as examples of “corruption, insults, ineptitude, the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election, and certain astonishing actions and/or policy decisions enacted,” specifically relating “to the President, his family, his Cabinet, his spokespeople, his lawyers, and all other people he has chosen to work with both past and present.”

Even though it's only been a half year, I wanted to offer a yearly summary.

Preparing to create a seven month timeline of the Events, I reviewed the past Event spreadsheets. While reviewing I removed irrelevant information. Some information became irrelevant because it was based on speculative reports which have been rejected. Other events became irrelevant because they were minor details leading up to a final result. For example, I removed most (but not all) of the events of Manafort's trial. They are no longer relevant, now that Manafort has been sentenced.

While the focus of this article is a summary of the past seven months, I have compiled the normal events list for December of 2018. It can be found here.

One of the biggest difficulties of judging whether an event is important or not, is not whether words matter, but how much. Plans matter, words matter, final results matter.

First there is a list of significant events of each month with links, followed by a conclusion of fifteen important events for the year.

In June:

The Trump administration, in its border crackdown had arrested over 2,300 migrant children, and admitted it was not capable of swiftly reuniting them with their parents, when commanded to by federal courts. Instead, it prepared to detain families together indefinitely.

Trump and Kim finally met for their summit about the North Korea and United States conflict. North Korea, aside from returning the remains of US soldiers, is still producing nuclear weapons.

In July:

The United States now has at least 3 thousand separated children, and slow to reunite them under court order. Trump believes the best way to solve the problem, is to illegally deport anyone applying for asylum. Meanwhile, ICE pressured parents to be deported with their children they separated them when they refused.

In August:

Though it is probably unnecessary for so many ex-intelligence officers to retain security clearance, Trump is the first president to revoke a former high ranking official's because of political reasons.

Cohen plead guilty to crimes implicating the President. And National Enquirer publisher David Pecker was subpoenaed in the Cohen investigation.

In September:

In October:

Saudi Arabia citizen, and US resident, Jamal Khashoggi disappeared from the Saudi embessy in Turkey. Evidence agreed that the prince of Saudi Arabia was responsible. Trump called the Saudi denial, extremely credible.

Then, after weeks of lying, Saudi Arabia admitted Khashoggi was dead, but that the prince, MbS, was innocent. Trump seemed to agree, or at least, not care.

Leading into the elections, the Republicans, led by the President, began to claim they were the protectors of patients with preexisting conditions. Another bizarre lie, especially, since in June, the Trump Administration claimed the ACA's preexisting conditions protections were unconstitutional.

In November:

The EPA issued a report about the dangers and economic damage of global warming to the United States. Trump said he didn't believe it, and the temporary EPA chief said he may intervene in the next study.

In December:

A whole host of news revolving around Russia and corruption assailed the President and his family.

A series of incredibly actions of the President:

If I had to shrink the list down further, the highlights of 2018 would be:

Trump and Kim summit.

Mueller indicted 12 Russians for DNC hack.

Helsinki Summit with Putin and Trump.

Manafort found guilty. Agreed to work with Mueller.

Cohen plead guilty. Agreed to work with Mueller.

Federal investigation of Trump Organization.

Over 13,000 migrant children detained.

Kavanaugh sexual assault and confirmation.

NYT revealed past tax evasion by Fred and Donald Trump.

Democrats secured House in Midterms.

US based journalist, Khashoggi murdered in Turkey by Saudi Arabia. Trump sided with SA against his own CIA and Republican senators.

Explosive devices sent to Clinton, Obama, CNN, and other critics of Trump, by Trump supporter.

Mattis resigned. Trump to withdraw from Syria and Afghanistan.

Shutdown begins over funding for the Wall.

Trump attacked Fed, Mueller, Europe, DAG, Sessions, NATO, Press, Comey, Clinton, Puerto Rico and more.

What will 2019 bring?


