Awkward Mixture's 2022 Reflection

I haven't written a Reflection in awhile, which is to say, I didn't write one last year. It feels longer, and I'm surprised I only skipped 2021. Ever since the pandemic began in 2020 the world exists in a new, tenuous reality. I can't point to any additional reason, as if there needs to be one, but the past two years have inflicted their toll. That was reflected in the production of Awkward Mixture. Prior to the pandemic I wrote 80 articles a year. In 2022 I managed only 42. That's less than one a week.

I'd also nearly abandoned short stories, and completely ditched the monthly presidential reports.

On the one hand, I want to recommit to the blog, try harder to write articles of all three types (video games, short stories, and politics) on a more consistent and regular scale.

On the other hand, I originally intended to write novels. I have two or three semi-finished books. Unfortunately I read that aspiring authors should build a following with a blog. In retrospect, that seems absurd, but I committed to it. As a stay at home dad I found my time easier to manage writing articles than a novel.

It's obvious that the blog didn't achieve my intention. The number of readers are remarkably few. I appreciate each of you, but eventually I had to admit that I was doing it for myself, and no one else.

In October 2023 my second son starts school. I'm not sure what that means. Perhaps I'll work more on the blog. Maybe I'll go back to work and abandon writing. Or possibly I'll focus on polishing a novel with the intent of publication.

I plan to continue the blog at least until June. Whether I stop then or continue another year, I'll choose at the time. I've thought about stopping before, but even though my output has dropped over the past two years, it seems harder, and more frightening, to abandon the project, then continue on with diminishing effort.


That's it. I don't have much to say about the articles I wrote this year, because there weren't many of them.

I'm not going to post anything in January. I'm going to use the time to build up some articles, and resume posting on February 1st.

Thanks for reading,

Clayton Brostowin


Awkward Mixture's Video Games of 2022: Ratings On The Brain


Awkward Mixture's 2020 Reflection

Awkward Mixture's 2019 Reflection

Reflection 2018
