The Presidential Events: November 2019

This article contains no events related to the Ukraine Investigation and Impeachment Inquiry. Next week will include an article summarizing both the October and November events related to Ukraine.


After betraying the Kurdish allies to a brutal authoritarian (see last month), the President invited the man to the White House to shake his hand. The President insisted that the United States would leave troops in Syria, but only to protect the oil. Unfortunately for Trump, that policy is bad strategy, a war crime, and the Pentagon says it isn't even true. The White House's current plan allowed ISIS to regroup, since its enemy, the Kurds, was under attack by Turkey.


The White House distributed its second round of aid to farmers, totaling 6.7 billion for the year. Because of the President's trade war with China, nearly 40% of farm income will come from the federal government. It is unsurprising that the gap between revenue and costs in the federal budget grew by $134 billion from last year. The expected annual deficit, $984 billion, is the largest since 2012, and is widening due to the Republican tax cut and increased defense spending.

Betsy DeVos

The Environment

Russia Investigation

Buzzfeed sued the federal government for documents the Mueller investigation did not release, and received its first batch in November. The biggest headline: Paul Manafort was an early source of the conspiracy claim that Ukraine, not Russia, hacked the DNC emails and manipulated the 2016 election. The last trial related to the Russia investigation began and ended. Trump's longtime friend, Roger Stone was accused of obstructing the House Intelligence Committee's investigation into Russian interference, and lying about his efforts to contact WikiLeaks. Steve Bannon testified against Stone, telling the court that Stone had claimed a relationship with Wikileaks and Assange. Stone was found guilty on all seven counts, for obstructing, false statements to Congress, and witness tampering. Sentencing will follow. During the trial, former Manafort ally Rick Gates testified that Trump talked to Roger Stone about Wikileaks. This statement contradicts the President's written testimony he made in answering questions from Mueller during the Russia Investigation.

Tax Returns


Part of the President's wall is up, but smugglers already devised a way through: cut it with saws. The White House is trying to deter immigrants with other methods. They increased fees for paperwork related to asylum and DACA renewal. ICE created a fake university and arrested immigrant students who enrolled. Seeking asylum has become nearly impossible, though a judge blocked the President's plan to require immigrants to buy health insurance within 30 days of arriving in the United States. The United States had a record number of migrant children in custody in 2019 at 69,550. The Department of Homeland Security separated migrant children from their families, even though it lacked the technology to reunite them. Under a new agreement, the United States intends to send migrants to Guatemala. And the agency tasked with overseeing the mess, the Department of Homeland Security, saw its fifth (acting) secretary, Chad Wolf, sworn in. Wolf plans to elevate anti-immigration Ken Cuccinelli to second in command.



War Crimes and Obscenity

The Southern Poverty Law Center released documents showing Stephen Miller promoted anti-immigrant sentiment and white supremacy, using Breitbart to promote his ideas.


