Three Stages of Experience

Oh boy, come to me, and tell me what you have achieved. As I lay here weak and fading, extol your experiences so I may partake in them.

As the embodiment of courage I defeated a powerful demon with the woman of wisdom at my side.

I blew up an abandoned space station containing a terrifying alien menace and insane synthetic humanoids.

As the god of thunder I destroyed a shard of a primordial being imprisoned in a

I commanded a squad to fend off a galaxy wide invasion by an ancient race of immortal, homicidal, synthetic-organic starships.

Transforming into many shapes, I defended a small town against a possessed imp and a murderous moon with a magical vessel flute.

I won a race featuring cars, hovercrafts, airplanes, monkeys, turtles, and an alien warlord.

I led 104,256 men into battle sixty miles north of Washington D.C., against a cunning enemy.

As a gladiator, I followed, then abandoned the leadership of a kingdom, before setting out with an army (composed of soldiers, fighters, amazons, and ogres) to overturn the system and establish a just land for all.

I aided the heir of fire in supplying a pigment for a painting of a new world, by killing him.

I threw the winning touchdown in the Super Bowl.

My son, what are those to a life? They are as far removed as possible.

I saw a fighter pilot trust his connection with a mysterious field which binds the galaxy together, rather than a mechanical targeting computer.

I witnessed an honest, trustworthy woodland people require trickery to join the cause of righteousness.

I watched a kid laughing in the knowledge that an airplane turbine would crush him.

I saw a man investigate Vincent's life, and learn he died not from suicide but murder.

I witnessed humanity flee a terrible vengeance from their children, searching for their new home across the stars of space.

I watched a military man attempt to free a people not his own, but after watching their chaotic bickering, hand them over.

I saw a family man, travel through the tunnels of space in search of a home for his daughter, returning only in time to watch her die.

I witnessed a boy, set up by his uncle for the murder of his father, seek to deny his past, but forced to become who he was fated to be.

I watched a man, searching for his wife's killer, tattoo the past onto his body in the futile hope of remembering it.

I saw a young man, who only wanted to make enough money for a car, seek redemption after his inaction led to his uncle's death.

And what are these, but pale reflections of life! Tell me of something worthy.

I heard of a war, lasting many ages, whose prize was three immaculate gemstones, but when won, they were surrendered to the air, the earth, and the sea.

I read of a girl and her spirit, fated to repeat the original sin of the past in order to save the multiverse.

I learned of a chance meeting between two men entering a court, one to defend himself against accusations of impiety, and the other to accuse his father of murder.

I heard of four children who one hid in a closet to avoid a cranky caretaker, and found themselves in another world.

I read of a boy who, ill content with his teaching, wandered far and wide in search of neither wife nor child, though he had both, but timeless enlightenment.

I learned of a world were men and women, quickened in bottles and raised by the state in total subservience and complete happiness, subdue a stranger seeking truth.

I heard of a boy, neither as malicious as his brother, nor as caring as sister, who was tricked into committing genocide.

I read of a girl, abused by the son of an employer and abandoned by her unforgiving husband, who suffered for the sins of the powerful.

I learned of an orphan boy, brought into a polarized secret society, who spent most of his time at school, but eventually defeated Flight of Death.

I read of a people, so degraded by poverty and injustice, that they toiled through suffering, overtaken by an unsuccessful revolution, but found a measure of happiness with reconciliation between an ex-convict and his adopted daughter.

What an enterprising hobby literature is. I am glad you spent some of your time in worthwhile pursuit. But I see you are ready to tell me one more thing. What is it?

I was and was not. I lived and shall die. I yearned and never was.

I don't understand.

Books aren't necessarily a superior form of entertainment than video games.


