The Presidential Events Bonus Edition: Ukraine in September

While only writing two or three political articles a month, sometimes it seems like they are all about the President, which isn't how this blog originally started. With probability of impeachment approaching one hundred percent, I felt it necessary to catalog the exact details of the news related to Ukraine.

It came to the public's attention on 9/17/2019. Representative Adam Schiff said that an intelligence official had refused to turn over an 'urgent' whisteblower complaint. Details were sparse, but a complaint, approved by Intelligence Community Inspector General Michael Atkinson, had been given to acting Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire, and under law, he was supposed to hand it to Schiff's House Intelligence Committee. Instead Maguire consulted with the DOJ and gave it to them instead.


By the next day it was clear the complaint related to a promise made between Trump and a foreigner leader. The complaint covered more than a single incident and had been sent to the Intelligence Community Inspector General, a position held by Michael Atkinson, who was nominated to the post by Trump in 2018.


The public further learned that the President asked the President of Ukraine to investigate Joe Biden's son. Trump's lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, tweeted that it would be ok if Trump told Ukraine to investigate the Biden family. But did the Trump withhold military aid to Ukraine to force them to investigate Biden?


The President finally commented on the story by claiming that the whistleblower must be partisan (even though he admitted not knowing who it was), that the conversation was beautiful (even though the he couldn't remember having it), and that “it doesn't matter what I discuss.” Rudy Giuliani, deployed to the daytime talk shows, admitted, “Of course I did,” when asked if he pressured Ukraine to investigate Joe Biden.



Pressed further, Trump claimed he didn't link Ukraine military aid to an investigation of Joe and Hunter Biden. He also reiterated his concern for corruption in Ukraine. The President of the United States, the first since Nixon not to release his tax returns, who did not divest from his business, or put his assets in a blind trust, whose sons are running the family business and using their father's connections, said he was concerned with corruption.



At the insistence of the Senate, the White House released a “transcript” of the phone call between the President and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. The document is not the official transcript, as it informs the reader at the bottom of the first page. It is not a verbatim account, but a rough recording based on notes and recollections of the staff in the room. For example, there are three ellipses (…) in the transcript. These are commonly used to indicate when a person paused, or the omission of superfluous dialogue. A the release of complete, official transcript would allow the public to better judge the conversation. We'll do our best with what we have.

The most serious statement occurs between pages 2 and 3. At the bottom of 2, President Zelensky said to President Trump, “We are almost ready to buy more Javelins from the United States for defense purposes.”

Trump replied, “I would like you to do us a favor though, because our country has been through a lot and Ukraine knows a lot about it. They say Crowdstrike... The server, they say Ukraine has it.”

The bit about Crowdstrike refers to a conspiracy theory about the beginnings of the Russia investigation, and the Russian hack of the DNC's servers.

President Trump later continued, “I heard you had a prosecutor who was very good and he was shut down... I would like [Rudy Giuliani] to call you. I will ask him to call you along with the Attorney General... The other thing, There's a lot of talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great.”

Together the two statements ask the President of Ukraine “to do us a favor” after Zelensky asks “to buy more Javelins from the US for defense purposes”, and includes a request to look into Crowdstrike, the DNC server, and “The other thing,” to investigate Biden who pressured Ukraine to fire a prosecutor. This is jumping ahead into next month, but a letter from 2016 shows three Republican Senators urging then Ukraine President to deal with corrupt prosecutors. Other Republican's supported Joe Biden's efforts when VP, along with the UK's Prime Minister David Cameron.

On the same day as the release of the partial transcript, the whistleblower complaint was delivered to Congress.

In addition to including Trump and Barr, Giuliani pulled Secretary of State Mike Pompeo into the maelstrom, saying on Fox News that he had contacted Ukrainian officials at the request of the State Department, not of his own accord. Pompeo was involved in prematurely recalling Marie Yovanovitch, the career diplomat serving as U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine.

But the real issue was the release of the military aid. It was approved to be released to Ukraine by Feburary 28th. Then the White House said it would be delivered by May 23rd, but it was still withheld. On September 11th the Administration finally released the money. In mid-July Mick Mulvaney said the money was to be withheld because the President had concerns about the necessity of aid. This decision was made about a week before the phone call.


The White House finally released the whistleblower complaint, and it stated that “I have received information from multiple U.S. Government officials that the President of the United States is using the power of his office to solicit interference from a foreign country in the 2020 U.S. Election.” Written on August 12th, the complaint supports the contents of the transcript, that the President asked for an investigation into Biden in return for the release of military aid. But it also alleged that the President's team went above and beyond in hiding the information, by storing a common interaction on a computer system reserved for classified data.

Later, Acting Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire spoke at a fairly uncontentious House Intelligence Committee hearing about his actions. When presented with the whistleblower complaint by the inspector, he strangely chose to hand it over to the very people it was trying to warn the public about: the White House. Under orders from the Department of Justice, he refused to give it to the House Intelligence Committee as required by law.

On the same day, the President, in a private meeting, called the whistleblower a spy, and then said, “You know what we used to do in the old days when we were smart? Right? The spies and treason, we used to handle it a little differently than we do now.” That's the President of the United States accusing a whistleblower of treason and threatening them with execution.


Friday featured fewer events, but the first was startling. Professional diplomat Kurt Volker, who had been assigned as an envoy to Ukraine, resigned admit reports that he had helped Rudy Giuliani pressure Ukrainian officials into opening an investigation into Biden in return for foreign aid.

Then three House committees subpoenaed Secretary of State Mike Pompeo for documents related to their investigation whether the President pressured Ukraine for dirt on his political rival.


A leak, attempting to provide a measure of cover for Attorney General Willaim Barr, reported he was "surprised and angry" that the President had said Ukraine should talk to him about Joe Biden.


The next day, the President demanded to meet the whistleblower, and then accused Democratic Representative Adam Schiff of committing treason. For the first, the reason whistleblower protections exist are to prevent the retribution Trump seems intent on inflicting. On the second, as many people have pointed out, Treason is defined in the Constitution as “only in levying war against [the United States], or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort.” The President either doesn't know what treason is, or doesn't mind inflaming his followers. He then threatened the nation with civil war if he was removed from office.

This bluster was countered by ex-Trump Official, Tom Bossert, who said he was “deeply disturbed” by the Ukraine affair, and that the Trump Administration had brought itself to this point over a completely debunked conspiracy theory. Former UK Prime Minister David Cameron also voiced his support for the actions of Joe Biden in Ukraine, saying that the UK stood behind his past efforts to tackle corruption.


On the final day of the month, Trump called for the arrest of his political Representative Adam Schiff, and said “We're trying to find out,” the identity of the whistleblower. The President has put the whistleblower's life at risk by threatening him with execution, and encouraging people to discover their identity.

And, recognizing the probability of impeachment by the House, Mitch McConnell promised a vote in the Senate.

Joe Biden's son, Hunter, clearly used his father's connections to earn a lucrative position at a corrupt company in Ukraine. He was unqualified, he was ill-prepared, but he had his father's name. There is no indication that Biden was directly involved, or that he urged the firing of a Ukrainian prosecutor to halt an investigation of his son (the prosecutor wasn't investigating the company at the time). Multiple Republican Senators at the time, along with other European allies, including David Cameron, wanted the prosecutor fired for corrupt acts. But Biden and his son engaged in the sort of every day corruption allowed by the rich, powerful, and well connected. The President engaged in egregious political behavior with bribery, and Biden's son did something less. Democrats shouldn't nominate Biden for the 2020 election.

Neither of them should be President.


