The Events: March 2019

Another Month down, and what a Month it was.

Before the summary of the Events, I'd like to briefly discuss some events that didn't make the list. As previously mentioned, the list is supposed to include events from the Trump Administration that are relevant.

As the List continues, the Events can be by supplied by people not from the Trump Administration, because the President previously stuck his nose into a mess. For example, further reporting by the NYT about Prince Mohammad bin Salman, indicates that he “authorized a secret campaign to crack down on dissidents, with at least a dozen of the operations carried out by members of the same team that murdered journalist Jamal Khashoggi”. Of course, Trump wouldn't be responsible for this, and it wouldn't make the list, except that the President previously sided with the Saudi government over numerous reports from American Intelligence agencies, and European allies. Because he failed to condemn MBS, and the atrocities continue, it makes the list.

But there are many events that don't make the list (though I have to say them here to prove a point). These include:

The President signing Bibles while visiting tornado survivors in Alabama.
A conspiracy theory on the Left about Melania's body double visiting graves in Alabama.
The President calling Tim Cook, Tim Apple, then lying about it, then admitting he lied, but supplementing another lie.
Informally inviting Brazil to be a NATO member.
A book declaring Trump is the ‘world’s worst cheat at golf'.
The President's bold face lie about his Father being born in Germany, even though he was actually born in New York.

These aren't hurtful. They don't alter anything. They don't add anything the public doesn't already know about the President's behavior. And some are conspiratorial.

Onto the real events of March 2019. The link is here.

North Korea retained its newsworthiness after the failed summit of February. Numerous reports indicated that North Korea was expanding its arsenal. They restored a missile site and threatened to end talks. But while some in the administration were openly taking a hard line, the President tweeted out his intent to scrap "additional large scale Sanctions" on the Hermit Kingdom.

An addition to the Stormy Daniels saga presented itself (and no, I'm not talking about the indictment of Michael Avenatti), but the news that Fox News did not report on the Stormy affair, which they knew about prior to the 2016 election. As a result, the DNC will allow Fox News to host zero debates, and therefore, prevent Democratic candidates from reaching Fox News viewers.

As happens every month, corruption reared its slimy head, at Mar-A-Lago. In one case, a friend of the President's, wrote a policy and gave it to the President at the Club, asking him to send it along to the Veterans Affair Chief. The President wrote on the note,“Send to the David S at the V.A.” and initialed it! In another situation, the prior owner of the Florida massage parlors at which Robert Kraft was found (and has been indicted for prostitution) sold access to the President to Chinese Executives. Further corruption included T-Mobile spending $195,000 at a Trump Hotel to receive government approval for a merger, even though the CEO was an outspoken critic of Trump, and had never stayed at the hotel previously. Most dangerous for the American consumer was the Boeing incident. With two crashes of the new Boeing 737 Max, nearly all countries world wide grounded the model, but the Trump Administration delayed. It could be, because the current, temporary, unconfirmed Secretary of Defense left his 30 year career at Boeing to work in the White House. But most deadly for the President might be the ongoing investigation into the President's Fundraiser's Office for money laundering. Federal agents raided Elliot Broidy's office for documents in March.

Another continuing event was the fight over the border wall. In his 2020 Budget the President asked for 8.6 billion in funding. Twelve Senate Republicans joined Democrats to cancel the National Emergency, but the President used his first veto to keep his Emergency alive. Then, as the month waned, the President declared his intent to close the border. Chief of Staff, Mick Mulvaney said only 'something dramatic' would convince the President not to close the border, while Kellyanne Conway said, “It certainly isn't a bluff.” Surprise! It was a bluff (though that might be an early April event).

Further information about the President's proposed budgets included, significant cuts to Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security. This despite, his declaration he would never slash these programs. At the same time, the President asked for the largest Department of War budget in the history of the United States. Meanwhile, the deficit grew by 77% between October 1st and February 1st. February earned the dubious accolade of the largest monthly deficit in the history of the United States. This was despite the booming economy, low unemployment, and continuous economic development since the recovery began in 2010. Between 2014 to 2016, the deficit began to shrink. It was only the Republican Tax Cut and President's desire for absurdly expensive war budgets, that reopened the nearly healed wound of the Recession. During the bad years, debt is incurred and the deficit increases, but it is an egregious mistake to continue to run up the tab during the golden times. When the downturn happens, how can the spendthrift pay for his overextension? The Federal Reserve should be increasing interest rates, so when the situation turns, it has something to reduce. But the President and his allies, so terrified of a 2020 election with a sour economy, are blaming the Reserve for wanting to increase rates which are already historically low. The Fed is caving to political pressure. The President's new choice for the Federal Reserve Board has already run into trouble, because he is a hack and has unpaid taxes.

In addition to the Khashoggi information, the United States Senate, in a bill co-sponsored by Bernie Sanders, Mike Lee, and Chris Murphy, voted to end the US support for Saudi Arabia's brutal war in Yemen. Simultaneously, the President announced that he would rescind an Obama era requirement to report all drone strike deaths. While it wasn't the most transparent process, it was better than nothing, and now it is gone.

Sometimes news comes from far flung locations. New Zealand experienced a mass schooling at two mosques in March. The shooter called immigrants invaders, and hours later the President agreed with the statement. He also dismissed the idea that White Nationalism was a growing threat, and failed to call the attack an act of terrorism. Only four days earlier the President claimed that "The Democrats hate Jewish people". And later in the month of March the President officially recognized the Golan Heights, as much a part of Syria as Crimea is a part of Ukraine.

Also, the White House declared they will never hand over documents related to how Jared Kushner received his security clearance, which was relevant because the New York Times reported in February that the President gave it to his son-in-law over the objections of his chief of staff and intelligence officials.

Finally, the bit everyone has been anticipating. In the month of March, the Russia Investigation rolled on, until it ran out of fuel and started coasting. To begin, Roger Stone found himself in trouble when he may have violated his gag order. Cohen popped up here and there. Manafort, after violating his plea deal, found himself saved by the inexplicable mercy of Judge T.S. Ellis III, who claimed that Manafort had led “an otherwise blameless life” aside from the casual $30 million he hid from the IRS which he earned while servicing some of the cruelest foreign despots. Instead of the twenty plus years recommended by the sentencing guidelines, the judge punished him with 3.5 years. A second judge, who could have added another ten years, rebuked Manafort for his crimes, and added only 3.5 years, for a total of seven.

But the biggest news was the release of the Mueller Report. No, scratch that. The release of Attorney General Willaim Barr's four page summary of a Report written over three hundred pages. In short, which is what the letter is, Barr claimed:

"[T]he investigation did not establish that members of the Trump campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities."


'While this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him.'

Specifically, Mueller did not make a legal decision regarding obstruction of justice, but Barr, and DAG Rod Rosenstein made the decision for him, that there was not enough evidence for this crime either.

All sides immediately claimed either vindication or skulduggery. The President said, in spite of the exact wording of the Report, "No Collusion, No Obstruction, Complete and Total EXONERATION.”
Glenn Greenwald (who I've recently had a disagreement with, though he doesn't know it), and his left wing, anti-establishment allies declared the Russia investigation a complete hoax, and fell to war with pro-Russia Investigation Twitter Denizens, like Marcy Wheeler.

Some called it the greatest Media mistake since the Invasion of Iraq. This seemed an egregious comparison. Those people are the same who keep saying Donald Trump isn't as bad as George W. Bush (and it is difficult to decide which is worse), because Trump hasn't begun a massive, country destabilizing, civilian murdering war. The public still hasn't seen the report, and there are a few details to remember. First, it was overseen by a Republican appointee, of the very President it was investigating. It was harassed at every turn. And the summary of the report was written by William Barr, who composed an unsolicited memo in the summer of 2018 condemning the Russia Investigation, didn't commit to releasing the report, and also experienced a similar scandal as AG for George H.W. Bush, while pardoning a whole gang of Republican politicians indicted during the Iran Contra crime.

In spite of this, the Russia Investigation found seven guilty Republicans, including the President's Campaign Chairman, Personal Lawyer, National Security Adviser, and charged 13 Russian Nationals, along with 12 Russian Military personnel. Whether they are guilt or not, will never be known because Russia will not allow them to be tried by a US court. The public learned that the Russia interfered to support Trump over Clinton. Trump and his associates were involved in negotiating a deal with the Russian government to build a Trump Tower in Moscow up until November 2016, and Trump denied it. Manafort shared polling data with a man believed to be a Russian intelligence agent. And a campaign which began by claiming never to have talked to a Russian agent, was repeatedly shown to have lied, including the Trump Tower meeting between Don Jr. and Russians. I am not crazy enough to believe 100% that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia to elect him. But neither am I insane enough to claim nothing untoward occurred. If I had to put it into percentages, and use non-legal definitions, I would estimate a 10% collusion, 20% attempted collusion, 50% bumbling ineptitude, and 20% the Russians tried to help, but Trump didn't accept their assistance.

All those declaring the report proves their already predetermined opinion are charlatans and idiots. The Report seems unlikely to offer complete vindication but somewhere between mostly vindicated, to grossly unethical and questionable entanglements, but nothing technically illegal. There is a mile between those two statements, and when and if, Barr releases the final report (which he needs to do), people can return to sharing their definitive opinions what they already decided, (and where to go next, and who overreacted, and who is to blame).

In closing can I recommend the Trump 2020 campaign adopt Mick Mulvaney's dissembling as their tag: "The issue here is not whether it's ethical".

P.S. Twitter needs to leave Barron alone. That includes assuming he is a of captive, or suffering. The President's kids (not the grown up ones who insert themselves into politics) need to be left alone. If you didn't like it when Republican's harassed President Obama's children, don't make an ass, and a hypocrite, of yourself.


