The Events: August 2018

This is incredibly late, because my computers been down for over a month. This week, I'm including the Events of August, and next Friday will be the Events of September, and then, hopefully a political article will follow the week afterward.

This week, I'd like to include a graphic from Vox's article, Brett Kavanaugh proves the Never Trump movement was a sham all along. The article stresses, as I've mentioned in conversations to friends and family, that Republican support since the election has never wavered, and that over 80% of registered Republicans supported the President through the Travel Ban, the insane tweets, the attempted repeal of the Affordable Care Act, the Firing of James Comey, the "You also had people that were very fine people, on both sides,” the Helsinki meeting (which isn't on this graphic), and the Flynn, Manafort, and Cohen convictions. And these examples are only the worst of the noisy norm breaking of the Trump Presidency, and fails to include the many compelling and disastrous policy decisions.
To help those, who have been forced to delete from their memory, what occurred in August, so they can keep up with the events of late September and early October, Awkward Mixture offers a short summary.

August began as the news of the Helsinki meeting was fading, replaced by the Manafort trial. To some small degree, this change alleviated the President's fixation on the Russia investigation. With the ongoing migrant deportation crisis continued, the President demanded that the ACLU, who had sued his administration for repeatedly violating a judges order to reunite families, reunite the families for him. The month contained recriminations between North Korea and the President, as meetings between Pompeo and North Korean officials were canceled. Former Apprentice contestant, and highly paid public employee, Omarosa released tapes from inside secure centers in the White House, demonstrating both how duplicitous and incompetent the entire staff are. The Tariff war escalated with China as the White House prepared to subsidized United States farmers, while the true number of deaths from Hurricane Maria slowly trickled in.

Roger Stone felt so cornered by Mueller's investigation that he launched a preemptive defense, only to feel foolish when nothing ever came of it. Wildfires in the west were blamed by the Interior Secretary, not on Climate Change or Global Warming, but environmentalists. Iran continued to adhere to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, even the United States had violated it. The President continued to insult and rage at anyone involved in the Mueller Investigation, including, Mueller, Sessions, Ohr, the FBI, Lester Holt, and Brennen.

The biggest news was the conviction of Manafort and Cohen, and the plea deal offering full cooperation. Maybe McGahn, who is leaving, cooperated with the investigation as well. And David Pecker and Allen Weisselberg were granted immunity to testify.

And finally, while the deficit grew 20% over the last because of the tax cuts for the wealthy and big business, the President decided federal employees shouldn't receive a 2 percent wage increase.

Finally, introducing the Who Said It game. The following quotes were said in the month of August.

1. “Attorney General Jeff Sessions should stop this Rigged Witch Hunt right now.”

2. "The actions of the Department of Justice will not be improperly influenced by political considerations."

3. “It’s called flipping and it almost ought to be illegal.” 
4. “I could run it (the Russia Investigation) if I want.”

5. “Truth isn’t truth.”

6. “The President is an equal-opportunity person that calls things like he sees it … The President has got a lot more nasty things about some other people.”

7. “I can’t guarantee anything.”

8. “There was no conversation about Michael Flynn.”

9. “Did Trump ask that question? He must have mentioned that about 20 times.”

10. “This was a meeting to get information on an opponent.”

The answers:
1. Trump.  
2. Sessions, in responses to Trump. 
3. Trump, in response to Manafort's deal. 
4. Trump. 
5. Giuliani. 
6. Sanders, in response to a question if Trump insults minorities more. 
7. Sanders, in response to whether Trump said the N word. 
8. Giuliani in August, in response to Giuliani in July, who at first said the President did tell Comey to go easy on Flynn, but now claims that conversation never occurred. 
9. Lindsey Graham, responding to whether the President asked if he could shut down the Mueller investigation. 
10. The President, responding to past versions of himself, his lawyers, and his son who had previously denied that the Trump Tower meeting was to get dirt, and was only to meet the Russians to talk about irrelevant stuff.

And finally, here is the link to the Events of August.


