No President Deserves the Peace Prize

The Nobel Prize is awarded to the person or group who has, "done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses"

The prize should not be awarded to anyone who murders with drones.

The prize can't be awarded to anyone who maims and kill innocent civilians.

The prize shouldn't be given to anyone who supports murderous regimes.

No one who separates children from their families is worthy of the peace prize.

Anyone who carelessly rejects refugees, threatened by death in their homelands, is not a man of peace.

Those who seek power through chaos and destabilization are not acting in righteousness.

Men who foment rebellion against justly elected leaders are not blessed.

Only those steeped in cruelty seek to enlist torture as a tool.

Only a thug offers peace on the end of a bayonet or bomb.

An official who disturbs civil discord, pitting races, creeds, religions, and communities against each other for their own gain can never be worthy of reward.

Those who construct societies rules to enrich themselves and deprive others of a fair livelihood act unjustly.

Recklessly endangering future generations by enabling environmental devastation is not the action of mindful man.

Anyone who disregard International Law in the pursuit of power threatens world peace.

He who resegregates the government encourages civil strife.

A leader who expands their country's nuclear arsenal in violation of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons cares nothing for peace.

And anyone who threatens Nuclear War or the annihilation of a nation is the ultimate aggressor.

Those who urge their supporters to harm protesters can't seek peace on a global stage.

A politician who persecutes or jail journalists cares nothing for the truth, transparency, or the people's right to oversee their government.

A citizen who conspires with foreign governments to deceive the public does not deserve the people's trust.

Any leader who begins wars under false pretenses can not claim the mantle of peace.

Any politician which sells arms to other nations so they may pursue violence is violent themselves.

Any nation which arms foreign governments involved in the murder of civilians has blood on its hands.

Any nation which allows the creation of dark sites to conduct torture, and does not prosecute the practitioners has no moral code.

Those who urge police to brutalize suspects have no respect for the rule of law.

If a politician supports the use of an apparatus to spy on the public, they do not practice peace.

Those who murder American civilians without trial, they have disregarded the Constitution.


