Thoughts 1: 9/8

So there will be a political article tomorrow, sometime.  I wanted to talk though about the direction they've been developing.  The political articles I've been writing ever since I started this blog in January have included opinionated language, and I've often disparaged or supported those who I feel deserve it. I've supported politicians on both sides of the aisle like Sanders and Kasich, while really only being depreciative of one: Trump.  As the election cycle eats up everyones' minds, it's hard to avoid the relentlessness and the stupor that follow.  I fell into a bit of a trap, and I think I'm climbing out.  I will still write about the election as it continues, but I'm going to write about other topics completely devoid of partisan opinion, and hopefully I won't even mention his or her name.   But the blog has also included a significant number, and I think the majority, of articles about politics in general.  

Articles like The Development of the Republican Party, Hamilton and Optimism, or The Jeffersonian Republic have been enjoyable to write, and hopefully engaging to read.

If you've seen no difference then that's great too.

Also, starting today, I plan to try and type up some thoughts about the day, like this right here.
It's going to be very casual, the grammar will be worse than normally, and I'm not even going to review and revise it.

I'm looking for about 250 words for each of these, not real day things. I'm doing this partly, because it is more relaxed and freeing, and also in the hope it will keep some of you coming back every day just for a quick check.

I won't be posting these on Twitter and I'm trying to decide on an image I can use for this sort of like how I use the same one for every story and poem.

And to conclude, a note about the poems. I've been writing fiction as an amateur for a while. I have the manuscript for a two and a half books completed, so I like to think I can compose pretty well. But, I've never written poetry before. Yet, the town I live in is hosting a contest to name its own poet laureate. Now, I won't win, and I don't expect to (unless I'm the only person who and even then....), but I figured I would give it a shot.

So, short thoughts every day, less political articles about the presidency, and a poetry contest that ends September 30th.

