Character Creation

We'll start by assigning the attribute scores and build from there. Which is most important to you?

I don't know. I guess when I think about designing a character, I want them to be intelligent.

This isn't the same.

I know, but I've always thought intelligence to be intrinsic to being human. Being unique.

And she is going to be human. Can I choose next?

Well, what about her dump stat?

I'm sorry?

You know, the attribute that is below average. I know it's uncomfortable to think about, but we only have so many points we can invest.

You're right I hadn't considered it. How could I possibly deprive her of the proper build?

Yeah. I can fill out the sheet if you feel awkward.

Wait. Why can't she be above average in every category?

We just don't have the resources.

Well, at the very least, I don't want to do any mix-maxing. Even if there has to be one attribute that is worse than the the others, I don't want it significantly worse. I want her to be a well rounded individual.

You'd rather she be average at everything than excellent at one or two? I don't think athletics and academics are worth an equal amount. People that succeed are those that are unbalanced. They take advantage of others weaknesses and flaws. How can we make sure she fulfills the prerequisites for higher level skills if we don't focus on some attributes over others?

I just don't feel comfortable boxing her into a life by narrowing the attributes she has.

By denying her the ability to be exceptional, she will be unable to stand out. Next you'll be saying you don't want to choose a class for her.

She won't be a barbarian, not with the intelligence you've given her.

Unless she eats with her mouth open.

I want to know, are you trying to make her into a wizard with that intelligence?

I want her to attend an excellent college. I think you want the same for her. And if you don't I'd like to make a suggestion. We can always have a second. Or even a third.

That's an option, but for her sake, I'd like to make a defense of wisdom.

Alright, go ahead.

I see for wisodom, you're marked a ten in the box. That's why I have to do this.

I said, go ahead.

Ok. First, I would like to say, I'm not saying she needs to be a theologian or a philosopher, or anything like that. I think that she needs to be able to perceive the world around her. To hear the bird song of the woods, to spot the beauty of light and leaf, and to be secure in herself.

You want her to be a ranger?

I want her to value the natural world, and to live a life of both body and mind to the fullest. I don't think there's anything wrong with that.

What have I done that's irritated you?

Hey, don't make this personal. Keep it about her.

I asked you to choose a second priority, but you became critical. Then you handed the sheet of paper to me.

And why did you put so much into charisma?

I want her to be well liked.

I think you're designing an airhead, or worse, a bard.

I disagree. Evidence shows that these two attributes best correlate with prosperity in life. She'll have the ability to be successful at her work and skillful at building connections.

Then it's all about money? A high wisdom score, will help her develop as a person. It will enable her to be who she wants to be, and fight against the prevailing opinions of the times.

If that's what you think, you're a snob. But I don't desire her to be intelligent so she can pursue and attain wealth. I want her to be charismatic so that in school she can be a part of whichever group she wants to be, so she is not friendless, and is always able to stand up and speak for what is right. I want her to be intelligent so she can articulate her thoughts, and be who she wants to be. With these two attributes she can be a nerd, and be proud of it. And when she is grown up and finds success, it will be in all areas of her life, and this will lead her to happiness. But I can see, in spite of your personal attacks...

Wait, that was you!

I see that wisdom fits well into the vision I have for our daughter. Let's put five more points into that, by taking some out of strength and dexterity. We don't really need those in an advanced, industrial, educated society like ours.

I know, right. It's like this sheet was created by people that expected you to design a Dungeons and Dragons character or something. As long as she has average strength and dexterity, she'll be fine.

You know, dexterity doesn't do anything.

Let's take a few more points out of there...

A doctor in a white coat entered the room. “Excuse me,” he said, “are you ready to submit the genetic profile that you want for your child?”

. 16 years later ….

Mom, why aren't I any good at soccer. I keep going to try and kick the ball, but I always trip. Its like I have too left feet. And that's all I ever wanted in my life. To be good at soccer!

Ask your father, dear.
